Digital Leaders’ Forum
--10.5 hours total of online instruction, done at one's own pace
--required for all staff, team leaders, and LBA
--strongly encouraged for all Life Group leaders
--open to all Ministry Team members
--You must have the ability to take and online class (using a phone, computer, etc.)
--You will complete online lessons on your own time.
--All lessons MUST be complete ON TIME.
--Lessons much be complete PRIOR TO the discussion group.
--Participants should stay in one group, but if a make-up session is needed, the other option is available.
Registration to take the class has been EXTENDED to Thurs, Feb 6. You will receive online access to your class by Fri, Feb 7.
Cost for the Class:
--staff, team leaders, LBA and Life Group leaders (cost covered)
--Ministry Team members ($20)
--Members of the church ($20)
--Others ($35)